Category Archives: web development

express.js interview

Express.js Interview Preparation with Code Example Question Answers

Learn about Express.js, a popular web application framework for Node.js. This blog post covers common interview questions, code examples, and key concepts of Express.js. Get ready for your Express.js interview with this comprehensive guide! Introduction Express.js is a popular web application framework for Node.js, known for its simplicity and flexibility. It is widely used to…

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computer source code screengrab

Best Bootstrap Front-End Framework: 20 Questions with Answers for Coding Interviews

Learn about bootstrap coding interview questions, bootstrap is a popular front-end framework for creating responsive and visually appealing websites. Get answers to frequently asked questions about Bootstrap, including how to include it in your project, create grid layouts, add navigation bars, create modals and carousels, customize default styles, and add tooltips. Prepare for your coding…

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10 Best Front-end Development Q&A for Coding Interview

Learn about the 10 best front-end development Q&A with code examples. Topics covered include the box model in CSS, inline vs block elements, vertical centering in CSS, event delegation in JavaScript, benefits of using a CSS preprocessor like Sass, website performance optimization techniques, cookies vs sessionStorage vs localStorage, the purpose of a CSS framework, and…

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macro photography of man wearing jacket lying on grass near short-coated white and brown dog

Implement OAuth 2.0 Authentication and Authorization with AWS Cognito

Learn how to implement OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization using AWS Cognito. AWS Cognito is a fully managed service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enables developers to add user sign-up, sign-in, and access control to their web and mobile apps. Follow the step-by-step guide to set up AWS Cognito User Pool, configure OAuth…

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Modern JavaScript Tools: NPM, Parcel, Babel, and ES6 Modules

Explore the most popular modern JavaScript tools including NPM, Parcel, Babel, and ES6 modules and learn how they streamline JavaScript development. Discover how NPM simplifies package management, Parcel optimizes the build process, Babel enables the use of modern JavaScript features, and ES6 modules provide a modular approach to code organization. Stay ahead in the rapidly…

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A Comprehensive Guide to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Developers

Are you interested in becoming a web developer? Learn the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with the online course offered by Coursera. This comprehensive guide covers the course content, structure, and benefits. Gain a solid foundation in web development, hands-on experience, an industry-recognized certification, flexibility, and a supportive learning community. Enroll in the course…

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Python and Flask Web Development Bootcamp

Python and Flask Web Development Bootcamp

Web Development Bootcamp This course will be your complete definitive guide for Web Development and fully functional websites with the Flask web framework. We’ll start with crash courses in the basic front-end technologies for HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap 4. Once you have a good understanding of the basics of these front-end technologies, we’ll begin our…

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