Cisco OSPF Basic Configuration In this Cisco CCNA tutorial, you’ll learn how to do a basic configuration of OSPF on our Cisco routers. Scroll down for the video and also text…
Django with React | An Ecommerce Website
In this course, we will build a completely customized eCommerce / shopping cart application from scratch using Django & REACT with the following functionality…
Django and React are both popular web development frameworks and can be used together to build a website.
Django is a high-level Python framework that provides a server-side back-end for web applications while React is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces.
By using Django as the back-end and React as the front-end, you can take advantage of the strengths of both frameworks to build a dynamic and efficient web application.
React can handle the user interface, allowing for fast and interactive updates, while Django can handle the server-side logic and database management.
There are several ways to integrate React into a Django project, including using a single-page application (SPA) architecture and serving the React app from the Django back-end or using Django REST framework to provide a REST API that the React app can consume.
The choice depends on the specific requirements of your project.
About the Django & react eCommerce website course
- Full featured shopping cart
- Product reviews and ratings
- Top products carousel
- Product pagination
- Product search feature
- User profile with orders
- Admin product management
- Admin user management
- Admin Order details page
- Mark orders as delivered option
- Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)
- PayPal / credit card integration
This is not a documentation-type course. This is a jump in and get your hands dirty course where by the end, you have an actual real-world project to use and put on your portfolio.
What You will learn the following by completing this Django & react course..
- React with Functional Components & Hooks
- React router
- React-Bootstrap UI library
- How to structure components
- Component level state & props
- Managing global state with Redux (Actions & Reducers)
- Using Redux state in components (useDispatch & useSelector)
- Creating an extensive back end with Express
- JWT authentication (JSON web tokens)
- Custom error handler
- Integrating the PayPal API
- Project deployment
- Much more!
What you’ll learn more…
- Build an Ecommerce website using Django with React
- Full featured shopping cart with PayPal & credit/debit payments
- Product rating & review system
- An actual real-world project built in a linear and progressive manner
- Admin area to manage customers, products & orders
- Product search, carousel, pagination & more
This project is a collaboration with Brad Traversy where we will be taking his original MEARN Stack ecommerce course and building it out with a Django backend instead of Node, JS & Express. Brad & I decided it would be fun to remake the exact same project with a Django backend/API and connect it to the same React frontend/design.
My hope is that you learn how not to only build out this application but add on your own features to it. We learn best by building & customizing our own projects.