Category Archives: Programming

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Top 20 Node.js Coding Interview Questions with Answers

This blog post explores the top 20 Node.js coding interview questions along with their answers. It covers core concepts, modules, event-driven programming, and error handling. By familiarizing yourself with these questions and their answers, you will be better prepared for Node.js coding interviews and have a solid understanding of the key concepts and techniques used…

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String Algorithms in Java – String Matching, Pattern Searching

This blog post explores three popular string algorithms in Java: the brute force algorithm, the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, and the Rabin-Karp algorithm. Code examples are provided for each algorithm, making it easier for developers to implement them in their own projects. By understanding and utilizing these algorithms, you can enhance the performance and functionality of your…

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Modern OOP: Classes, Constructors, and Prototypal Inheritance

Modern OOP: Classes, Constructors, and Prototypal Inheritance

Learn about Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts such as classes, constructors, and prototypal inheritance for JavaScript Understand how these concepts contribute to building robust and maintainable code. Explore examples in JavaScript and Python. Start your journey in software development and leverage the power of OOP for creating scalable applications. What is Object-Oriented Programming In the world…

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Mastering Java Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Robust Applications

Learn Java programming through the Coursera Specialization on Java Programming. This comprehensive program offers courses on Java programming, data structures, software design, and building recommendation systems. Gain hands-on experience with coding assignments and projects, receive peer feedback, and earn a certificate of completion. Start your journey to mastering Java programming today! Introduction Java is one…

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Using Multiple EF Core DbContexts In a Single Application

Introduction In modern application development, it is common to work with multiple databases or data sources within a single application. Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is a popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that simplifies data access in .NET applications. In this blog post, we will explore how to use multiple EF Core DbContexts in a…

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