Build Real Software with Python, PyQt 5 and QT Designer

Build Real Software with Python, PyQt5 and QT Designer

Are you thinking to master PyQt 5 for Graphical User Interface Development ? Do you write some codes in Python and you wonder how you can convert everything to a nice interactive user interface that can be used by huge number of people ?

I can grantee to you that you are taking the best decision  in today World. After doing this course, you will meet your goal.

I designed this course in a way to cover all the mandatory aspects of Python-PyQt development, starting from Downloading the working tools until the final deployment of our software to other users.

The learning method i chooses is particular because we will work on a real case study “nothing better than doing real things” =>  we will create a software to respond to a customer demand (a Spare Parts Management Software for Manufacturing Company)

Create first Python script to connect and query the parts.db Introduce QT Designer and create GUI

Create beautiful style for the GUI

Create the full code to run the GUI and do the software functionality

How to add and compile ressources like (photos…)

How to make an final executable file and share it with friends.

What Students Already saying about this course:

Tuhin : “The instructor has prompt knowledge about all the topics he taught us”

Gopal: “Hands-on – Step by step explanation”

Tanmay: “Very Excellent work so far and made easy to understand”

Anurag: “Excellent faculty … i just loved the way he taught us … thanks sir for sharing your knowledge”

Mridul: Great contents with real world app development insight with Python. Expecting more in near future”


Special Focus:

What i grantee to you in this course also is that you will get instant feedback on all your questions (less than 24h feedback).

This will allow you to learn even faster and get up and solve any issue that you may face during your projects and codes.

Why Python & Why PyQt ?

The Python language has a large number of advantages: it is an object oriented language, interpreted, dynamically typed and benefiting from memory management via a garbage collector.

For all these reasons, Python is a very simple language to use. However, creating interface in Python using basic tools is somewhat tedious.

This is why there are many Python modules allowing to realize graphical interfaces, PyQt is the best.

Multi-platform available for Unix, Windows and Mac OS X; native look and feel the applications present the appearance of the operating systems on which they run by default, but it is possible to install another look and feel, even at runtime; it is implemented on the lower layers of graphics systems.

PyQt is a module which allows you to link the Python language with the Qt library.

It allows you to create graphical interfaces in Python. An extension of QtDesigner (graphical utility for creating Qt interfaces) makes it possible to manage the python code of graphical interfaces.

PyQt has all the advantages of the famous Qt.

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