The Ultimate Python Flask Tutorial: Build & Deploy Flask Apps

The Ultimate Python Flask Tutorial: Build & Deploy Flask Apps

Welcome to The Ultimate Flask tutorial.

This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to get started building your own Python-based web apps using the Flask framework.

I will teach you the basics of Flask tutorial and show you some examples of how to build apps using only the features of the Flask framework itself.

Then I will teach you various useful extensions that you can use to make adding more powerful features to your Flask apps much easier and show you example apps using those extensions.

You’ll learn:

In this course, we’ll cover popular Flask extensions, including:

  • Flask-SQLAlchemy

  • Flask-WTF

  • Flask-Bootstrap

  • Flask-Mail

  • Flask-Migrate

  • Flask-Uploads

  • Flask-Login

  • Flask-Admin

  • Flask-User

  • Flask-Babel

  • Flask-Restless

  • Flask-SocketIO

  • Flask-Security

What do you need to know before starting the course?

As long as you have some basic experience with Python, you are ready to take the course. It’s helpful to know some basics of HTML as well.

What you’ll learn more in this pyhon and flask tutorial

  • How to create Python Flask based web apps
  • How to use Jinja2 Templates
  • How to use an SQLite database with Flask
  • How to use CSS to style your Flask web app
  • How to use an Object Relational Manager through SQLAlchemy
  • How to create and use HTML forms with your Flask app
  • How to build Flask web apps (Project: BMI Calculator)
  • Other neat Flask tricks like Uploading Files, Cookies and Sessions

I look forward to seeing you in the course and hearing your thoughts.

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