Scrum from A to Z: the Complete Course with Fixation Tests

Scrum from A to Z: the Complete Course with Fixation Tests

Price: S $ 29, 99

Scrum from A to Z: the Complete Course with Fixation Tests

Scrum is the most important agile project management methodology , seeking to deliver value continuously throughout the project. In this course you will learn everything about the Scrum Framework:

  • Roles: the concept of “Pigs and Chickens”, Scrum developer, Product Owner, Scrum Master, Client, Managers, Users

  • Ceremonies: planning meetings, daily stand up, review meeting, retrospective

  • Artifacts: product backlog, sprint backlog, burndown chart, task board

  • Estimates: user stories, home stories usage, estimates, story points, acceptance tests, epics and themes

  • Implementation: ADAPT, critical success factors, pilot projects, climbing scrum, distributed scrum

    Also includes 60 tests to review the learning of each module .

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