Discover the role of Figma and Sketch in the software development cycle. Learn how these design tools contribute to collaboration, wireframing, prototyping, design handoff, and developer collaboration. Improve your software…
Scrum for Systems Engineers – Waterfall x Agile
Price: S $ 79, 99
Scrum for Systems Engineers – Waterfall x Agile
This course aims to help systems engineers, from the requirements specialist engineer to the most technical engineer, to adapt more easily to the model agile. In this training we will take a tour of the Scrum model, making a parallel between theory and practice and seeking to help understand all the steps for this adaptation. I was a software engineer for a long time and I had to adapt to agile models in a large company, I know how complicated this is and I want to help you with this course to make this transition faster;)
linkshare.course. 1960976