Cyber Security Operations (SOC analyst) and Technology Solutions

Cyber Security Operations and Technology Solutions

Cyber Security Operations and Technology Solutions SOC analyst

This course SOC analyst is all about working in a security operations center (SOC). It is designed to produce SOC analysts with excellent understanding of cyber security essentials, technology solutions, security operations, and incident response.

Upon completion, learners will be capable of hitting the ground running from day 1 on the job.

Additionally, learners will gain an excellent understanding of common tools, people and operational processes and procedures that make a value delivering SOC function effectively.

The door to the SOC is ever revolving therefore SOC analysts will always be in high demand.

This training is guaranteed to equip learners with everything required to work as an entry level SOC analyst who will be capable of giving intermediate analysts a run for their money.

The ten essential capabilities we believe any SOC analyst must deliver are as follows


At its most basic level, a SOC must have the ability to ingest massive amounts of data from myriad
sources (data sources and volume will only continue to grow).

2. Detect.

A SOC must have the ability to detect threats and anomalous behavior or instances across a wide
range of data sets.

3. Predict.

A SOC is in the business of continuous, proactive monitoring, analyzing and overseeing the security systems of an organization around the clock.

Its ability to predict system weaknesses or threat
instances in a proactive, rather than a reactive manner is an essential component in evaluating the overall efficacy of a SOC. The better a SOC is at predicting, the more effective it will be overall.

4. Automate

Automation in a SOC analyst is no different than the use of automation elsewhere in the enterprise operating
at the speed of light (which is every enterprise). The best strategy is to automate, automate, automate wherever possible. This reduces workload on staff and helps compensate for both resource
and personnel shortages.

5. Orchestrate

A best-in-class SOC analyst will orchestrate incident response, giving analysts information they need quickly,
empowering them to make the right decisions and drive automated responses where applicable. Effective orchestration is an ongoing process to respond to incidents, while also monitoring and learning from the response itself

— improving ongoing and future responses. This could include the automation of workflow actions, like resetting credentials and patch application, updating firewalls or rules within the SIEM processes.

6. Recommend, recover, remediate

SOCs can (and should) recommend action based on data, threat analysis and user behavior data. Moreover, following an incident, the SOC should work to restore systems and recover any lost or compromised data, always with a view of returning the network to its optimum operating state, pre-incident.

7. Investigate

The aim of a SOC is to protect from security breaches by identifying, analyzing and reacting to cyber security threats. Following an incident, it is the job of the SOC to trace problems to their source, figure out what happened and why, so as to prevent recurrence.

8. Collaborate

A SOC should be a hub, a command post and a correlation point for every security event within an organization.The best SOCs bring people, processes and technology together, facilitating collaboration between security and IT operations teams, as well as others within the organization.

9. Manage cases

Effective case management is a game-changer for security operations centers. When SOCs can effectively manage case backlog, provide incidence response in a timely manner, and also meet the needs of the organization, it’s a beautiful thing.

An optimized SOC can provide automated alert
grouping case creation, case assignment recommendations, case prioritization, and integrated crisis management.

10. Report

SOC reporting provides insight and stakeholder assurance, both internal and external, and proactively addresses risk across the organization.

This is especially significant for enterprises governed by
compliance regulations like HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, CCPA, and others. SOC reporting can reduce compliance costs and time spent on audits, help ensure the organization meets contractual obligations, proactively address risk, and even help increase trust and transparency within the organization.

This course also is of your interest — Cyber Security SOC Analyst Training – SIEM (Splunk) – [2022]

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