AWS DVA-C01 Certified Developer Associate Practice Exam

AWS DVA-C01 Certified Developer Associate Practice Exam

AWS DVA-C01 Certified Developer Associate Practice Exam

The AWS DVA-C01 Certified Developer Associate Practice Exam is a valuable resource for individuals preparing to take the official AWS DVA-C01 certification exam.

This practice exam is designed to simulate the format, difficulty level, and content of the actual certification exam, allowing candidates to assess their knowledge and readiness before attempting the real test.

It covers a range of topics such as AWS core services, security, databases, deployment, and monitoring.

By taking the AWS DVA-C01 Certified Developer Associate Practice Exam, candidates can familiarize themselves with the question format and time constraints of the actual exam, helping them build confidence and reduce test anxiety.

The practice exam provides an opportunity to identify areas of strength and areas that require further study and improvement.

It enables candidates to gauge their understanding of AWS services and their ability to apply them in real-world scenarios, ensuring they are well-prepared to demonstrate their proficiency in developing and deploying applications on the AWS platform.

Moreover, the practice exam offers detailed explanations for each question, helping candidates understand the reasoning behind correct answers and learn from any incorrect responses.

This feedback enables candidates to enhance their knowledge and address any knowledge gaps before taking the official certification exam.

With comprehensive coverage of exam topics and thorough explanations.

The AWS DVA-C01 Certified Developer Associate Practice Exam is a valuable tool for individuals striving to achieve the AWS Developer Associate certification.

Advance their careers in cloud application development.

Sample Questions for AWS DVA-C01

1. What is the default region in AWS?
a) us-east-1
b) us-west-1
c) eu-central-1
d) ap-southeast-2
Answer: a) us-east-1

2. Which service provides a fully managed message queuing service in AWS?
a) Amazon SNS
b) Amazon SQS
c) AWS Lambda
d) Amazon Redshift
Answer: b) Amazon SQS

3.Which AWS service allows you to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale?
a) Amazon RDS
b) Amazon EC2
c) Amazon ECS
d) AWS Lambda
Answer: c) Amazon ECS

4. Which AWS service allows you to build, train, and deploy machine learning models?
a) Amazon Rekognition
b) Amazon SageMaker
c) Amazon Athena
d) Amazon Kinesis
Answer: b) Amazon SageMaker

5. What does IAM stand for in AWS?
a) Internet Access Management
b) Identity and Access Management
c) Information Asset Management
d) Infrastructure Automation Management
Answer: b) Identity and Access Management

6. Which AWS service provides a scalable and fully managed relational database?
a) Amazon S3
b) Amazon RDS
c) Amazon DynamoDB
d) Amazon CloudFront
Answer: b) Amazon RDS

7. What is the maximum duration for an AWS Lambda function execution?
a) 15 seconds
b) 1 minute
c) 5 minutes
d) 15 minutes
Answer: d) 15 minutes

8. Which AWS service can be used to deploy a static website?
a) Amazon CloudFront
b) Amazon S3
c) Amazon EC2
d) AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Answer: b) Amazon S3

9. Which AWS service is used to automatically scale EC2 instances based on demand?
a) Amazon S3
b) AWS Auto Scaling
c) Amazon RDS
d) Amazon EC2 Container Service
Answer: b) AWS Auto Scaling

10.What is the billing unit for AWS Lambda?
a) Function calls
b) Requests
c) Compute time
d) Memory usage
Answer: c) Compute time

11. Which AWS service can be used to store and retrieve large amounts of unstructured data?
a) Amazon S3
b) Amazon Glacier
c) Amazon DynamoDB
d) Amazon CloudFront
Answer: a) Amazon S3

12. What is the maximum file size you can upload to Amazon S3 in a single PUT request?
a) 1 GB
b) 5 GB
c) 10 GB
d) 25 GB
Answer: c) 10 GB

13.Which AWS service can be used to perform real-time data streaming and analytics?
a) Amazon S3
b) Amazon Athena
c) Amazon Kinesis
d) AWS Glue
Answer: c) Amazon Kinesis

14.Which AWS service allows you to create virtual private networks (VPNs) for secure communication?
a) AWS Direct Connect
b) Amazon VPC
c) AWS VPN Gateway
d) AWS Directory Service
Answer: b) Amazon VPC

15. Which AWS service allows you to automate the deployment and management of infrastructure resources?

a) AWS CloudFormation
b) Amazon Redshift
c) Amazon Route 53
d) AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Answer: a) AWS CloudFormation

Which AWS service provides a fully managed NoSQL database?
a) Amazon RDS
b) Amazon DynamoDB
c) Amazon Neptune
d) Amazon Elasticache
Answer: b) Amazon DynamoDB

What AWS service is used to distribute content to users with low-latency and high transfer speeds?
a) Amazon S3
b) Amazon CloudFront
c) Amazon Route 53
d) AWS Direct Connect
Answer: b) Amazon CloudFront

Which AWS service is suitable for hosting websites and web applications with high availability and scalability?
a) Amazon EC2
b) Amazon RDS
c) AWS Lambda
d) AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Answer: d) AWS Elastic Beanstalk

What is the maximum retention period for data stored in Amazon Glacier?
a) 6 months
b) 1 year
c) 5 years
d) Infinite (until explicitly deleted)
Answer: d) Infinite (until explicitly deleted)

Which AWS service is used to secure and control access to AWS resources?
b) Amazon S3
d) AWS Shield
Answer: a) AWS IAM

Much more in the actual course ….

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