20+ Free JavaScript Projects to Explore and Build

20+ Free JavaScript Projects to Explore and Build

20+ Free JavaScript Projects to Explore and Build

According to the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, JavaScript has maintained its position as the most widely used programming language for 11 consecutive years, with 66% of developers using it extensively. If you’re aspiring to become a web developer—whether in front-end, back-end, or full-stack development—JavaScript is one of the most valuable programming languages to master. A practical way to start learning is by working on beginner-friendly JavaScript projects.

Understanding Vanilla JavaScript

Vanilla JavaScript, often referred to as plain JavaScript (without any frameworks or libraries), is a cornerstone of coding and web development. Most websites are built using a combination of HTML, CSS, vanilla JavaScript, and API integrations. Familiarizing yourself with JavaScript fundamentals is essential, and the best way to solidify your knowledge is by building hands-on JavaScript practice projects.

The Importance of Practice Projects

Practical experience is invaluable for honing JavaScript skills. Thousands of students in the Break into Tech front-end development program have worked on exciting beginner-friendly projects to build their expertise. These projects not only help learners practice coding but also contribute to their portfolios, showcasing their abilities to potential employers.

Many of our successful students who secured jobs at leading companies such as GoDaddy, Toast, Asics Digital, 1Password, Figure, and Apple had one thing in common: a solid foundation in JavaScript, impressive portfolios, and hands-on practice through JavaScript projects.

Start Building Your Portfolio with Beginner Projects

To help you practice and enhance your front-end development skills, we’ve compiled a list of over 20 beginner-friendly JavaScript projects. These open-source projects include access to source code, which you can use as a reference or inspiration. Whether you’re exploring JavaScript for the first time or strengthening your existing skills, these projects are a great place to start.

Simply find a project that interests you and dive in! The source code for each project is linked on its homepage, allowing you to experiment, learn, and grow as a developer.

Tips for Learning Through JavaScript Projects

Lisa Savoie, a JavaScript instructor at Skillcrush, offers valuable advice for working on practice projects. She recommends:

  • Reading source code out loud to better understand its structure and logic.
  • Identifying features that you can integrate into your own projects.
  • Retyping the code to develop muscle memory for writing functions, variables, and loops.

She adds, “If you encounter unfamiliar methods, Google them to deepen your understanding. Don’t be afraid to break the code and fix it—breaking things can be a fun and educational experience!” 😄

Ready to Begin?

Explore our curated list of 20+ JavaScript beginner projects and start building your skills today. Whether you’re reading code, experimenting with new features, or creating your own projects, every step you take brings you closer to becoming a proficient JavaScript developer.

1. Hello World

javascriptCopy codeconsole.log("Hello, World!");

Explanation: Prints “Hello, World!” to the browser console. A great way to test if your JavaScript is working.

2. Variables

javascriptCopy codelet name = "Alice";
const age = 25;
var isStudent = true;


  • let: Declares a variable that can be updated.
  • const: Declares a constant that cannot change.
  • var: An older way to declare variables (less commonly used now).

3. Simple Function

javascriptCopy codefunction greet(name) {
    return `Hello, ${name}!`;

Explanation: Defines a function greet that takes a name as input and returns a personalized greeting.

4. If-Else Conditional

javascriptCopy codelet age = 18;
if (age >= 18) {
    console.log("You are an adult.");
} else {
    console.log("You are a minor.");

Explanation: Checks if age is 18 or older and logs a message accordingly.

5. For Loop

javascriptCopy codefor (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {

Explanation: Loops from 1 to 5, printing each number to the console.

6. Array

javascriptCopy codelet fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"];
console.log(fruits[1]); // Outputs: banana

Explanation: Creates an array and accesses its second element (index 1).

7. Object

javascriptCopy codelet person = {
    name: "Alice",
    age: 25,
    isStudent: true
console.log(person.name); // Outputs: Alice

Explanation: Creates an object with properties and accesses the name property.

8. Event Listener

javascriptCopy codedocument.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", () => {
    alert("Button clicked!");

Explanation: Attaches a click event listener to a button, displaying an alert when clicked.

9. Set Timeout

javascriptCopy codesetTimeout(() => {
    console.log("This appears after 2 seconds.");
}, 2000);

Explanation: Executes a function after 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds).

10. Random Number

javascriptCopy codelet randomNumber = Math.random() * 10;

Explanation: Generates a random number between 0 and 10, then rounds it down to the nearest integer.

  1. Mouseover Element
  2. Clock
  3. Magic 8 Ball
  4. Build a To-Do List
  5. Epic Mix Playlist
  6. Pet Rescue
  7. Drum Kit
  8. Speech Detection
  9. Sticky Navigation
  10. Geolocation
  11. Movie App
  12. Name Tags
  13. Intermediate JavaScript Projects
  14. Tone.js
  15. Election Map
  16. Login Authentication
  17. Guess the Word
  18. Terminalizer
  19. Chat App
  20. Tic Tac Toe Game
  21. Hotel Booking App
  22. Advanced JavaScript Project
  23. Maze Game

Author Image

Justina Hwang

Justina Hwang is Content Marketing Manager at Skillcrush, and has been covering tech education for over three years. She holds a PhD from Brown University. Justina spends her free time with her mildly needy (but very adorable) cat.

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